File Manager Makes Uploading Photos Easy!
Check out File Manager today! |
You can login on any browser, on any computer and upload photos, logos, any files to your RMS! File Manager keeps them organized for you just like the RMSFTP utility. Check it out:
1. Go to
2. Scroll down to Web Services and select the File Manager icon
3. Enter your Username and Password.
4. You will see the Unit Photos, Custom Letters, Attachments, Exports and Online Content tabs as shown in the picture above!
- To upload photos you will use this icon , Browse to the photos on your pc and then choose 5 or 6 to upload.
- To download an export report you created such as previous renters emails. Run the report in RMS. Next login to File Manager. Click the Export Tab. Then choose the file to export. A drop down menu will give you the download option. Just click on it!
Seriously it is that simple!
A demonstration is available at