RMS Newsletter August 2010
Reporting Live from RMS!
"Reports in RMS come in all shapes and sizes! All of your correspondence User Designed Letters" are customizable. This means you can rewrite them and keep them current. At installation time some stock letters are supplied in your system. You can use those as templates if you want. Merge codes are inserted in those letters to make them dynamic with your data.
If you want to add graphics to your letters or format them in a special way then you should be using html letters. Most of our AdvancedCare members are using html letters. If you are not sure which kind of letters you are sending out of RMS, or if you need any assistance with your letters give us a call or e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. " shape=rect target=_blank> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can assist you with your letters. Good communication is key to happy guests and happy owners
Many of you went looking for the Update Notes and found them in the Knowledgebase, in the Programming Notes article. The link in the Update notice takes you to the RMS Support Center but you still have to LOGIN. Your login is your e-mail address. If you forget your password we can reregister you!