Rates and Seasons
The most common types of rates are Weekly, Daily, Per Person and Progressive rates. RMS offers options to charge these types of rates. The most commonly used type of rate is the Weekly and Daily pricing model.
In RMS, rate Pricing is always adjusted in the Rates File. To find the rate you would like to adjust go to Files --->Unit Rates.
Each rate must be associated with a season. In each rate you will see the season breaks. Select the season or set of dates you want to work with and then adjust the Weekly amount and the Daily amounts as needed. If you want to change the season breaks or the Dates that the rates change, you do this in the Seasons File. Managers often change the beginning and end dates of seasons uniquely for each year and adjust holiday Dates in the Seasons File and then pricing in the rates file. RMS also allows you to use progressive pricing with Day Rates and Number of people rates. While these options are not used as often they are available in RMS! |