RMS calculates rent, tax and other charges for each reservation booked. The payment for reservations can be posted directly into RMS. If you are posting checks or cash you will take the money to the bank to DEPOSIT. If you take credit card payments, you can enter these into RMS and clients with integrated credit card processing allow your merchant processor to DEPOSIT the money in your bank.
Keyword DEPOSIT What is key here is that you check all entries for accuracy in the first report (the Undeposited Funds report) and then process the Deposit Report in RMS. You make the deposit to your bank in the real world you make the deposit report in the virtual world of your RMS. They should be in sync!
The Deposit Report is a basic tool and fundamental to keeping your Reservation Accounting AND Owner Accounting straight and matching your Bank Account. If you do not do anything else you should at least run the Undeposited Funds report. Print or view this report and check to make sure every payment was entered correctly. Next --> Process the Report or Make Deposits. You deposit the money in real life, right? Your RMS is only as accurate as the information you enter.
1. Enter Reservations
2. Enter Payments for Reservations 3. Print or View the Undeposited Funds Report 4. Check the report for accuracy 5. Process the report /Make Deposits.
All users will benefit by adding these simple tasks to their daily routine!