RMS Newsletter Fall 2011



Hospitality is a key ingredient to the Vacation Rental Industry! We know this isn't easy and that you spend your day making sure your guests are comfortable and get what they came for, while also fulfilling your homeowners expectations.  Everyday RMS helps you accomplish these goals.  We recently conducted a survey to see if RMS and your AdvancedCare are meeting your expectations.    

We have spent the last month surveying you to see how we're doing and find out what areas we need to improve. We don't get to offer you pie and coffee and find out how we can better serve you but we do listen intently to your suggestions and comments.  We may follow up with another phone call, an email or a support ticket in response.  Thanks to all who participated in our recent customer satisfaction survey!  


Online Owner Statements


New HTML owner statements in RMS allow Online Booking clients to offer their Owners the latest OwnersNet feature.  RMS can automatically send an email to the owners letting them know that their new statement is online and ready for viewing.  Owners may log into their owner portal and see that a new Tab called "Statements" is available.


After owner statements are finalized an email notification goes out to all the owners.  This email should tell the owner the statement is ready and available for viewing.  This email to the owner is actually an Owner Form Letter in RMS that can say whatever you would like.  An Owner Form Letter is a feature in RMS where you can create unlimited custom letters to send out via email or print.

If you are interested in HTML Owner Statements, Online Booking or OwnersNet, please let us know.  Some setting changes and your preferences are required.  OwnersNet is only available with the Online Booking module, at this time. 



Sales Tax Report


The Tax Report is a great little reporting tool in RMS.  It will always report the taxes as you have them set in RMS. 


The Sales Tax Report is found on the Reports menu under Management reports.  Choose the Sales Tax option.  You may choose to include the taxes from reservations and charges based on either Arrival, Departure or just from your last Owner Statements.


When you use the Arrival or Departure dates you may then narrow your query to a beginning and end date.  You also decide if you want to include the amounts from the Current Reservation file, the Archive or Both.  Do you want to include the Gross Amount column?  And, if you have your units in different designated tax jurisdictions (These are created in the Control File and assigned in the Unit File) you may report on one or all of the pre-determined tax jurisdictions in your RMS.


17 November 2011, 18:37