Pet Fees and Other Charges
Allowing pets may boost occupancy rates and like any extra fee, RMS can assist you in managing your pet policy. Here are some things to consider:
First, set your pet policy. Are you limited to small dogs under 50 pounds? Are certain breeds excluded by your insurance policy? Define your rules and regulations clearly for your guests and their pets.
Would you like to add a pet letter to your RMS outlining your pet policy and services available for pets? This may be done using the Reservation Form letter in Custom letters or it can be a link to an online content letter. Be sure and ask RMS Support if you need help setting up RMS letters or online content letters.
Do you want "Pets Allowed" to be a searchable field in RMS? RMS allows for 6 customizable search fields that can also appear on your website. If you have only a small number of units you may wish to have "Pet Friendly" mentioned elsewhere in the unit details.
Do you want to charge a pet fee? Is there a pet deposit? In RMS a pet fee can be charged per reservation or per night and for each pet. RMS can be set to prompt for the quantity of pets.
Whether its a pet fee or bicycle rentals RMS can assist you in managing the details that help your guests have the kind of experience that they'll tell their friends and family about and keep coming back year after year.